Zoey Gold Petrak
 Exclusive Advanced FREE Masterclass 
"How to Close the Gap Between Your Goals and Your RESULTS, Guaranteed!"

Most Vital Missing Pieces... What You Must Know

Exclusive Advanced FREE Training Reveals:
  • The #1 thing that prevents you from getting desired results, getting to the next level and going really big (hint: it's not what you think).
  • ​Free from internal tension, stress, fear, traumas of the past, low self-esteem, pain, suffering and your old disempowering story, so you unleash & utilize your true resources and create the life you desire and deserve.
  •  Discern & eliminate inner conflicts which hold you back & hinder your desired results, so nothing is pulling you back from achieving your Vision, Goals, Fulfillment and living the life you are meant to.
  • Break through any limitations & find a clear way through life, career or business challenge so you can be free, and live your life to the fullest.
  • ​Uncover The Lie about the power of the mind, that keeps you stuck, overworked and unfulfilled so you can break free & live the Greatness of Who You Really Are.
  • Align with strategy and psychology to follow through and achieve desired personal, financial and business results that last.
“Zoey Petrak’s mission is to educate people so they can reach their highest potential in all aspects of their lives and live their dreams. Zoey’s program Your Infinite Riches is really powerful, as it provides great insights on the laws of the mind and laws of the Universe.”

Bob Proctor
Expert on human mind and potential.
A leader in the power of positive thinking and self motivation

“Zoey I applaud all the good work you are doing. I wish you success in all your ventures. The world needs you and your work.”

Jack Canfield
A leader in Personal Development and Peak Performance Strategies

About Zoey Gold Petrak
International Best-selling Author, Strategic Results & Achievement Mentor, 
Peak Performance Business Mentor and Award-Winning Transformational Leader
Zoey is an author of 3 bestselling books, including an International Best Seller in 5 countries “Open to the Infinite Riches of the Universe: And Live a Balanced Life Full of Miracles, Wealth, Abundance, Bliss and Triumph.” Zoey has educated and empowered thousands of people through her live seminars, books and online programs.

She is a Strategic Intervention Coach certified by Robbins (Tony Robbins) Madanes Training, Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner, Licensed Business Practitioner of NLP & Certified Specialist Practitioner in NHR, trained and certified by the founder Dr. Bandler, she is a CEO of Triumph of Success Inc. Zoey is a teacher with a diploma in Law and a degree in Global Politics, who has been studying Laws of Success for more than 16 years from the best mentors of the world. For years Zoey has traveled and studied from the best mentors in self-mastery, human mind and potential, success, wealth and business mastery, psychology and personal development fields.

Zoey’s unique in-depth specialized education, journey, personal & professional experience and knowledge give her a truly powerful and one-of-a-kind perspective on how to help you connect to the Truth and Resources within, unleash your true potential, break through self-imposed limitations, get to the next level, and live the fullness of Who You Really Are in all aspects of your life.

Zoey Gold Petrak has been featured at, coached and lectured at Seneca College Employment Services, Employment Ontario, Guinness World Records, Sun Life Financial, Finer Minds by Mindvalley, Insight of the Day by Bob Proctor, The Inspiration Show by Mind Movies, Rogers TV, Toronto Star etc.

Unlike Anything You've Ever Seen or 

What People Are Saying:
This staff is Gold! This has been an extremely powerful workshop, which one can benefit from over and over again."  
Katherin G.

"My business doubled since I started mentoring with Zoey and feels like almost effortlessly.
I feel more gratitude for each and every moment. I don’t get tensed anymore. I feel more confident and have been meeting more like-minded people."
Paresh P.

“Wow! This material I haven’t seen from anywhere else put together in such a concise clear way. So well presented, organized, Zoey you are a master teacher. Thank yo so very much!!! Very empowering!!! Simply Amazing!!!” 
Bryan M.

“Zoey is very good at what she does. She can change your life. 
Paul F.

“After working with Zoey  I went from severe depression, anxiety and fear to leave my house – to speaking on the same stage as personal development experts. I am at peace with myself now, I moved out to my own place, got a new job, and started taking care of my health and fitness. Thank you Zoey you helped me get my life back when I was lost, your work is powerful and truly transformational.” 
Shareena Y.

“This is exactly what you need to take your business to the next level. It helps you understand where you are, where you want to be and gives you tools and ideas on how to get there. Zoey inspired me to find answers that I was looking for, because of her knowledge, wisdom and special training she delivered a mighty powerful impact.” 
Lawrence B.

"Zoey’s Mentoring is very powerful and was very helpful for me.
 As a result, I truly got what it means and how to love and appreciate myself. She helped me release blocks which were stopping me from operating at a peak performance level in my business. I got clarity on what exactly I need to do to activate resources within me to get results I want. Zoey helped me to revitalize my business, within only a couple of sessions with Zoey I had more clients than I could handle, and I started thinking about hiring assistants.
Now I focus on my happiness and life. I am thankful to God I met you! Thank you!”

Lorena B.

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